Thursday, February 7, 2013

I Workout!

    Today I went to pump some iron! Not really, but I did go to the gym to exercise. I did make an attempt at lifting weights. However, I didn't do so great. Weights are super heavy! There are a lot of exercises I am good at though. I can run so fast on a treadmill. Also, I can do squats, lunges, or push ups. I may be small, but I can do a serious workout!
    I love to go workout. I enjoy being healthy, so I plan on staying that way. I work out three times a week for about an hour each time. It seems like a lot of work, but it really isn't. I enjoy feeling like I've accomplished something at the end of my workout. I've found that the more I exercise, the more I like it! I would recommend exercising regularly to anyone. You will notice a change in how you feel!

I look so small compared to these weights!

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